=== Page Tagger === Contributors: randomaniac Donate link: http://www.hiddentao.com/code/wordpress-page-tagger-plugin/ Tags: tags, tagging, posts, pages Requires at least: 2.8.4 Tested up to: 3.0 Stable tag: 0.3.6 Page Tagger is a Wordpress plugin which lets you tag your pages just like you do with your posts. It adds a tagging widget in the page-editing view in the admin interface. Page Tagger requires PHP 5. == Description == Page Tagger is a Wordpress plugin which lets you tag your pages just like you do with your posts. It adds a tagging widget in the page-editing view in the admin interface. Page Tagger requires PHP 5. Detailed information including installation and usage is available at http://www.hiddentao.com/code/wordpress-page-tagger-plugin/ == Installation == 1. Download and unzip the zip file into your Wordpress `plugins` folder such that the plugin files are at: `wp-content/plugins/page-tagger/...` 1. Activate the plugin within your blog's administration options. 1. All done! == Changelog == = 0.3.6 (Jun 8, 2010) = * Plugins now works with Wordpress 3.0 RC1. = 0.3.5 (Jan 16, 2010) = * When clicking 'Preview' button 'Add new tag' no longer gets added as a tag * Updated documentation = 0.3.4 (Dec 20, 2009) = * Fixed to work with Wordpress 2.9 = 0.3.3 (Nov 20, 2009) = * Fixed callback bug which was preventing the plugin from initialising on certain installations. = 0.3.2 (Nov 18, 2009) = * Fixed plugin conflict issue which was sometimes causing the tag editing interface to stop working. = 0.3.1 (Sep 8, 2009) = * Plugin renamed to 'Page Tagger'. = 0.3 (Sep 8, 2009) = * Plugin now works in Wordpress 2.8+. * *If your page tags were no longer showing in tag clouds then you need to upgrade to this version (0.3) and then [follow instructions to restore the correct post counts for each tag](http://www.hiddentao.com/archives/2009/09/08/page-tags-0-3/).* = 0.2 (Apr 3, 2009) = * Fixed a bug which was preventing tags added whilst editing pages from appearing in the tag cloud widget. = 0.1 (Jan 18, 2009) = * The initial release. == Known Issues == * None at the moment.