=== Login to view all === Contributors: Ludou Donate link: http://www.ludou.org/wordpress-plugin-login-to-view-all.html Tags: post, login, view, hidden, content Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 3.1 Stable tag: 2.0 == Description == Login to view all is an plugin designed to help you add hidden contents of your post. The hidden contents are only visible for the visitor who are logged in. = How to use? = * You can switch to HTML editor and click the "loginview" button, to put your words needed to hide between "<!--loginview start-->" and "<!--loginview end-->". like: <!--loginview start-->hidden contents.<!--loginview end--> This has the advantage of that if you disable this plugin, the tag <!--loginview start--> and <!--loginview end--> will still not be displayed. * Or you can use it like that in your blog post : `[loginview]hidden contents.[/loginview]` , [loginview] can be use in the visual editor and HTML editor. Screenshots can be seen in plugin homepage http://www.ludou.org/wordpress-plugin-login-to-view-all.html#screenshots 该插件可以帮助您隐藏文章的部分内容,使得用户必须登录,才能浏览。2.0 版本参考插件easy2hide做了部分修改,支持"<!--loginview start-->"形式的标签,这样停用本插件后,标签也不会显示出来。 = 使用说明 = 1. 在WordPress后台编辑文章的时候,切换到HTML模式,选中你要隐藏的内容,点击按钮 "loginview" 即可用"<!--loginview start-->" 和 "<!--loginview end-->" 将隐藏内容括起来;使用这个标签的好处是,你停用本插件后,该标签不会被显示出来。 2. 如果你不喜欢HTML代码模式,可以使用 [loginview] 和 [/loginview] 将你想要隐藏的内容括起来,该标签支持可视化模式和HTML编辑模式。你的文章内容应该像这样子:[loginview]这里是你要隐藏的内容[/loginview] 3. 这样未登录的用户浏览文章的时候,将无法阅读隐藏的内容。 == Installation == 1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually `wp-content/plugins/` and unzip the file, it will create a `wp-content/plugins/login-to-view-all/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen. 3. Done = 安装方法 = 1. 下载插件,解压缩,你将会看到一个文件夹login-to-view-all,然后将其放置到插件目录下,插件目录通常是 `wp-content/plugins/` 2. 在后台对应的插件管理页激活该插件Login to view all 4. 完成 == Uninstallation == 1. Go into admin->plugins ,disable Login to view all 2. Done. = 卸载插件 = 1. 进入后台 -> 插件,停用 Login to view all; 2. 如果您打算不再使用该插件,您可以将wp-content/plugins/login-to-view-all/目录删除; == Screenshots == Can be seen in plugin homepage http://www.ludou.org/wordpress-plugin-login-to-view-all.html#screenshots == Changelog == = 1.0 = * First version = 2.0 = * Add tag <!--loginview start--> and <!--loginview end--> * Add HTML editor "loginview" button Now you can use it like that in your blog post : <!--loginview start-->hidden contents.<!--loginview end--> Version 2.0 using some code from WordPress plugin Easy2hide. Consider that if user disable this plugin, the tag [loginview] will be displayed in the post. I know, it's terrble. So I add the new tag <!--loginview start--> in Version 2.0. Because this tag is HTML comment, it will never display in your post.